What is the Welfare Council?
The Student Welfare Council in Oslo and Akershus (Norway) is a student council founded in 2004 which consists of student representatives from the different institutions of higher education that are members of the student welfare organization SiO. Our mandate is to communicate the students’ wishes and demands towards SiO and the services they supply. The Welfare Council is the electorate for students in the various boards of SiO. The Welfare Council also elects four students to be the The Welfare Council executive committee every spring.


This year’s executive committee (2024/2025)
E-mail: vt-au@studentvelferd.no

Oliwia Skowron

tel: 99 24 76 13
e-mail: leder@studentvelferd.no

Mitra Fagerli Rahman

Vice President
tel: 98 54 67 61
e-mail: nestleder@studentvelferd.no

Hans-Markus Jensvold Kverneng

Head of Politics and Public Relations
tel: 94 83 01 13
e-mail: politikk@studentvelferd.no

Celine Lyngås Sataøen

Head of Cooperation
tel: 46 93 52 12
e-mail: sam@studentvelferd.no

Our Offices
The Welfare Council has its offices on the second floor of Villa Eika, a large, brown, wooden Swiss villa on Blindern Campus. You will usually find the full time officials here during normal business hours, approximately 9 am till 3 pm.

We are unfortunately unable to supply those students who do not speak Norwegian with a complete English version of our website. However, we are more than happy to answer any related enquiries you may have. You can contact us with the information above or drop by Villa Eika.

The Executive Board
Out of ten members, five student representatives are elected by the Welfare Council to The Executive Board of SiO, the governing body of Studentsamskipnaden SiO. Two representatives are elected by and among SiO’s employees and three representatives are elected staff representatives from the educational institutions. The chairman must be a student, which means that students have the majority of votes because the chairman has a double vote if the voting is equal. This way the students themselves govern SiO. The student representatives’ main task is to secure that the Welfare Council’s policies and resolutions are followed by the Executive Board.

The Welfare Council’s responsibility is contact with SiO and pushing the government to always work for better welfare for students. We secure that SiO is aware of what students in Oslo and Akershus want and need in terms of welfare services. Our work is done through both formal and informal contact, and by electing student representatives to different committees and boards. In addition to our work towards SiO, we also engage in various other issues concerning student welfare in Oslo and Akershus by having contact with the government and Oslo City Council. In addition to this we have continuous contact with local student democracies at SiO’s institutions of higher education.

The Welfare Council consists of 37 student representatives. They are all elected for a term of one calendar year. The Welfare Council elects an executive committee of four members, all of which are students at institutions connected to SiO. They do not have a vote in the Welfare Council, but handle the day-to-day administration of the Welfare Council for the durations of their period, which is one year. All the four elected members of the executive committee work full time at Villa Eika on Blindern. The executive committee are elected from July 1st to to June 30th the following year.

Meetings in the Welfare Council
Our meetings are open and all students have the right to attend. If a student attending a meeting has a special interest in a given case, he or she may be granted the right to speak and make suggestions. Meetings usually adjourn at 5 pm, and the location will be announced in our meeting schedule.

To see the plan for meetings and read the documents visit this site (in Norwegian).

SiO provides services to approximately 72.000 students at the following institutions of higher education:

Atlantis Medisinske Høyskole
Bårdar Akademiet
BI Norwegian Business School
Bjørknes University College
Einar Granum School of Fine Art
Fjellhaug International University College
Fagskolen Oslo Akershus
Folkeuniversitetet Øst
Kristiania University College
MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society
NLA Univerity College, Staffeldtsgate
Noroff School of technology and digital media
Norsk fagskole for lokomotivførere
Norwegian Academy of Music
Norwegian Gestalt Institute AS
Norwegian School of Leadership and Theology
Norwegian School of Sport Science
Norwegian University of Life Sciences
NSKI Høyskole
Oslo Metropolitan University
Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Rudolf Steiner University College
The Barrat Due Institute of Music
The Norwegian Police University College
The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
University College of Dance Art
University of Oslo

Students attending these educational institutions automatically qualify to benefit from SiO’s student services after paying the semester fee.